NeuBeam™ Brand Rollout

Declaration Networks Group (DNG) has unveiled a new logo and name for its family of innovative telecom products.  With NeuBeam™ DNG has developed a new representation of the ongoing evolution of our company’s brand.

NeuBeam signifies the idea of “connection”, not only literally through broadband across the U.S., but including concepts of building a greater bond with family and community.  The name builds the concept of trust, authenticity, reliability and a customer-focused approach to customers.  The brand concept is accompanied by images of families sharing technology together, often in multi-generational settings.  The same approach regarding the importance of connections also will be used to target small and medium-sized businesses.

At present, the following is the NeuBeam family of products:

  • High Speed Internet – Beam, Beam Plus, Power Beam, Power Beam Plus
  • Voice  – Beam Home Phone Service

For more info, contact: Barry Toser – [email protected], 703-850-7172